The fee for undertaking the Positive Management Service is 14% of the monthly rent (no VAT) plus expenses (charged at cost). A minimum fee of £200/month applies.
For HMO (Houses of Multiple Occupancy) licenced properties (let under a single tenancy agreement) there is an additional 2% of monthly rent charge due to the additional work and statutory responsibility associated with HMO licence requirements.
Tenant Find and Renewal Fees are not payable when the Landlord engages the Agent to undertake the Positive Management Service for the duration of the Tenancy formed. However, if the Landlord does not engage the Agent’s Positive Management Service for the duration of the Tenancy formed then a Tenant Find fee of £1000 or a Renewal Fee of £500 will apply.
Landlords should be aware that there are expenses involved in renting and managing their property and should budget for these. Expenses are charged at cost and may include but are not limited to:
Positive Property Management retains a float of £250 for each property to cover payment of expenses.
Other work
Other work may be agreed between Positive Property Management and the Landlord that is beyond the scope of the Positive Management Service. For example, if the landlord engages Positive Property Management to obtain estimates and supervise major works and refurbishment this will normally be charged at 18% of the cost of work. Other mutually agreed work outside the scope of the Positive Management Service will be charged at £35 per hour plus expenses.